Destiny Matrix Chart

Enter your date of birth and name:

Personal calculation

Celebrity Date of Birth: 30.04.1933
The Matrix of Destiny chart captures the cosmic energies that were in alignment at your birth. It serves as a personal map, offering guidance and insights into your life's path.

Within this chart, each number represents a distinct energy known as an Arcana. These energies, bestowed upon you at birth, accompany you throughout life. Key to understanding your chart are the specific groupings of Arcana, referred to as Lines, each holding significant meaning.

Dive into the interactive chart to discover the nuances of your Matrix of Destiny.
male generation line female generation line $ 3 4 16 5 10 7 20 21 8 15 8 5 20 13 13 14 16 18 20 6 5 6 18 7 4 6 5 8 19 9 21 11 0 years old 10 years old 20 years old 30 years old 40 years old 50 years old 60 years old 70 years old 5 years old 15 years old 25 years old 35 years old 45 years old 55 years old 65 years old 75 years old 1-2,5 2,5-3,5 3,5-4 6-7,5 7,5-8,5 8,5-9 11-12,5 12,5-13,5 13,5-14 16-17,5 17,5-18,5 18,5-19 21-22,5 22,5-23,5 23,5-24 26-27,5 27,5-28,5 28,5-29 31-32,5 32,5-33,5 33,5-34 36-37,5 37,5-38,5 38,5-39 41-42,5 42,5-43,5 43,5-44 46-47,5 47,5-48,5 48,5-49 58,5-59 57,5-58,5 56-57,5 53,5-54 52,5-53,5 51-52,5 68,5-69 67,5-68,5 66-67,5 63,5-64 62,5-63,5 61-62,5 78,5-79 77,5-78,5 76-77,5 73,5-74 72,5-73,5 71-72,5 16 13 5 10 9 17 6 7 18 11 11 8 15 19 14 10 16 6 14 8 10 4 11 20 9 16 7 5 6 8 18 10 14 4 7 5 11 19 8 21 13 18 5 18 4 13 7 21 11 9 19 3 11 7 14 17
Chakra name Physics Energy Emotions
Sahastrara 3 4 7
Ajna 16 18 7
Vishuddha 13 14 9
Anahata 5 6 11
Manipura 10 10 20
Svadhishtana 15 8 5
Muladhara 16 5 21
Result: 15 11 8

Personal purpose:

Purpose for society and genus:

Soul searching, balance of feminine and masculine qualities, abilities, skills Tasks for genus, results and recognition in society
Sky: 9 10 M: 10 20
Earth: 19 F: 10

General purpose for this lifetime:

Planetary purpose:

Spiritual path, global task, where is the divine in me? Global soul purpose
3 5